

Dcio Krause


Publications & forthcoming works 

Updated April 2014


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1.     [2014]  Krause, D. [2014], Tpicos em Ontologia Analtica. A aparecer pela Editora da UNESP.

2.     [2014] Schinaider, J. e Krause, D. [2014], . Forthcoming in Manuscrito.

3.     [2014] Krause, D. and Arenhart, J. R. B. [2014], Entangling and disentangling realism and wave function. Essay Review of The Wave Function. Essays on the metaphysics of quantum mechanics, edited by Alyssa Ney and David Z. Albert (Oxford: Oxford Un. Press, 2013). Forthcoming in Metascience.

4.     [2014] Holik, F. H., Gomez, I. and Krause, D. [2014], Quantum Logical Structures For Identical Particles, forthcoming.

5.     [2014]  Krause, D. and Arenhart, J. R. B. [2014], Philosophy of quantum mechanics: quantum (non-)individuality. Forthcoming in UNESCO-EOLSS (Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems).

6.     [2014] Krause, D. and Arenhart, J. R. B. [2014], Logical reflections on the semantic approach. In Bziau, J. –Y., Krause, D. and Arenhart, J. R. B. [2014], Tribute to Patrick Suppes. London: College Pu. (Series Tributes), forthcoming.

7.     [2014] Krause, D. and Arenhart, J. R. B. [2014], Identity in Physics. Verbete na Oxford Bibliographies.

8.     [2014] Krause, D. and Arenhart, J. R. B. [2014], Separability and non-individuality: is it possible to conciliate (at least a form of) Einstein's realism with quantum mechanics?, forthcoming in Foundations of Physics. Published on line: DOI 10.1007/s10701-014-9808-y

9.     [2014] da Costa, N. C. A. and Krause, D. [2014], Inconsistency, Quasi-Truth, and Physics, Synthese, forthcoming. DOI: 10.1007/s11229-014-0472-8

10.  [2014] Arenhart, J. R. B. and Krause, D. [2014], Contradiction, Quantum Mechanics, and the Square of Opposition.

11.  [2014] Arenhart, J. R. B. and Krause, D. [2014], Oppositions and quantum mechanics: superposition and identity. In J. –Y. Bziau and K. Gan-Krzywoszynska (eds.), New Dimensions of the Square of Opposition. Mnchen: Philosophia Verlag (Series Analytica), pp. 337-356. ISBN 978-3-88405-112-2.

12.  [2014] Arenhart, J. R. B. and Krause, D. [2014], From primitive identity to the non-individuality of quantum objects. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics  Online already, february 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.shpsb.2014.01.004

13.  [2014] Arenhart, J. R. B. and Krause, D. [2014], Why non-individuality? A discussion on individuality, identity, and cardinality in the quantum context, Erkenntnis 79 (1), 1-18. [preprint] [journal link] (on line already at the journal link).

14.  [2014] Krause, D. [2014], `The problem of identity and a justification for a non-reflexive quantum mechanics, (on line already) Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (2), 186-205. (ver)

15.  [2013] Krause, D. e Arenhart, J. R. B. [2013], Perspectivismo em filosofia da cincia: um estudo de caso na fsica quntica, Scientiae Studia 11 (1), 159-83. (ver)

16.   [2013] Arenhart, J. R. B. And Krause, D. [2013], Classical Logic or Non-Reflexive Logic?A case of Semantic Underdetermination, Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 68 (1-2), 2012, pp. 73-86. [PDF]

17.  [2013] Arenhart, J. R. B. And Krause, D [2013]., Uma lgica da indiscernibilidade, Disputatio 34 (4), 555-573.

18.  [2012] Krause, D. and Arenhart, J. R. B., A discussion on quantum non-individuality, Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logic 22 (1-2), pp.105-124. DOI: 10.1080/11663081.2012.682447  (look here) Qualis B1

19.  [2012] Arenhart, J. R. B. e Krause, D., Indistiguibilidade, no-reflexividade, ontologia e fsica quntica, Scientiae Studia 10 (1), 41-69. Qualis A2

20.  [2012] da Costa, N. C. A., Krause, D. Arenhart, J. R. B. e Schinaider, J., Sobre uma fundamentao no-reflexiva da mecnica quntica, Scientiae Studia 10 (1), 71-104. Qualis A2

21.  [2012] Krause, D., On a calculus of non-individuals: ideas for a quantum mereology, in Dutra, L. H. de A.; Luz, A. M. (orgs.) 2011. Linguagem, Ontologia e Ao. Florianpolis: NEL/UFSC, v. 10, Coleo Rumos da Epistemiologia. pp. 92–106.

22.  [2011] French, S. and Krause, D. Physics and metaphysics of  identity and individuality. Book Symposium held in the 2010 meeting of the Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association, Vancouver, CA. With the participation of the authors plus Bas C. van Fraassen, D. Howard and O. Bueno. Metascience 20 (2), 225-251.

23.  [2011] Krause, D. The metaphysics of non-individuality. In Krause, D. and Videira, A.A.P. (editors), Brazilian Studies in Philosophy and History of Science: An Account of Recent Works. Springer (Boston Studies in Philosophy of Science, 290), pp. 257-267.

24.  [2011] Krause, D., Is Priscilla, the trapped positron, an individual? Quantum physics, the use of names, and individuation. Arbor (Madrid) 187 (747), 2011, 61-66. DOI: 103989/arbor.2011.747n1007. Qualis A2.

25.  [2011] Krause, D., Arenhart, J.R.B. and Moraes, F.T.F., Axiomatization and models of scientific theories. Foundations of Science, 16 (4), 363-382. DOI 10.1007/s10699-011-9226-y Qualis A1.

26.  [2011] Krause, D. and Videira, A.A.P. (editors), Brazilian Studies in Philosophy and History of Science: An Account of Recent Works. Springer (Boston Studies in Philosophy of Science, 290). ISBN: 978-90-481-9421-6. (Resenha aqui)

27.  [2011] `The quasi-lattice of indiscernible elements,  M. C. do Nascimento, D. Krause and H. de A. Feitosa, Studia Logica 97, pp. 101-128. (PDF preprint here) Qualis A2.


28.  [2010] Domenech, G., Holik, F, Kniznik, L, Krause, D., `No labeling quantum mechanics of indiscernible particles, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 49 (12), pp. 3085-3091. DOI 10.1007/s10773-009-o220-x Qualis B1.

29.  [2010] French, S. And Krause, D. `Remarks on the theory of quasi-sets, Studia Logica 95 (1-2), 101-124. DOI: 10.1007/s11225-010-9249-3.Qualis A2.

30.  [2010] Krause, D., `Logical aspects of quantum (non-)individuality, Foundations of  Science 15 (1), FEB. 2010, 79-94. DOI: 10.1007/s10699-009-9169-8, ISSN (Print) 1233-1821, ISSN (Online) 1572-8471.  Qualis A1.

31.  [2010] Krause, D. Pueden ser separables las entidades indiscernibles? Ensaio sobre posibles consecuencias de una posicin de Einstein frente a la indiscernibilidad, in Guerrero Pino, G. (ed.), Einstein: cientfico y filsofo, Cali: Universidad Del Vale, pp. 125-145. ISBN: 978-958-670-835-7.

32.  [2010] (Editor, with Otvio Bueno): Special Issue of Manuscrito 33(1-2), dedicated to the Philosophy of Physics. Qualis A2.

33.  [2010] Krause, D. & Bueno, O., `Ontological issues in quantum theory, Manuscrito 33 (1) Jan-Jun, 269-284. ISSN: 0100-6045. Qualis A2.

34.  [2010] da Costa, N. C. A., Krause, D. and Bueno, O., `Issues in the foundations of science, I: languages, structures, and models, Manuscrito 33 (1) Jan-Jun, 123-142. ISSN: 0100-6045. Qualis A2.

35.  [2010] Krause, D. & Bueno, O., `Filosofia da Fsica Quntica: A titulo de prefcio, Manuscrito 33 (1), Jan-Jun., 7-18. ISSN: 0100-6045. Qualis A2.

36.  [2010] Arenhart, J.R.B. & Krause, D., `Quantifiers and the foundations of quasi-set theory, Principia (UFSC) 13 (3) 2009, 251-268. ISSN (on line ed): 1808-1711. Qualis B1.

37.  [2010] (Editor): Special issue of Principia 13 (3), 2009, dedicated to the Newton da Costas 80th Birthday. Qualis B1.

38.  [2010] (Editor): Special issue of Principia 14 (1), 2010, dedicated to the Newton da Costas 80th Birthday. Qualis B1.

39.  [2010] (Editor): Special issue of Principia 14 (2), 2010, dedicated to the Newton da Costas 80th Birthday. Qualis B1.

40.  [2010] Arenhart, J. R. B. e Krause, D., `Semntica quase-conjuntista e compromisso ontolgico, Cognitio (S. Paulo), v.10, n.2, 2009, pp. 191-207. ISSN: 1518-7187.  Qualis B1.

41.  [2010] Krause, D., Newton da Costa e a filosofia da quase-verdade, Principia 13 (2), 105-128.


42.  [2009] Krause, D., `Questes a uma teoria de quase-objetos, Manuscrito (Campinas) v.32, n.2, 2009, pp. 399-436. ISSN: 0100-6045. Qualis A2.

43.  [2009] Krause, D., Newton da Costa e a filosofia da quase-verdade, Principia 13 (2), 2009, 105-128. Qualis B1.

44.  [2009] Krause, D. and Feitosa, H. de A., `Algebraic aspects of quantum indiscernibility, in Carnielli, W.A., Coniglio, M.E. and DOttaviano, I. M. L. (eds.), The Many Sides of Logic, Studies in Logic 21, College Publications, pp. 369-388. ISBN: 978-1-904987-78-9.

45.  [2009] (Abstract) Krause, D. and Feitosa, H. de A., `Algebraic aspects of quantum indiscernibility, The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 15 (3) Sept. 2009, p. 359. Qualis A1.


46.  [2008] Individualidade de objetos fsicos e lgica, em Lorenzano, P. y Miguel, H. (eds.), Filosofa e Historia de la Ciencia en el Cono Sur, Vol. II, Buenos Aires, C.C.C. Educando, pp. 249-258.

47.  [2008] Krause, D., Fsica e Ontologia, Discusiones Filosficas Ao 9 N 12, Enero – Junio, 2008. pp. 57–74. ISBN 0124-6127 Qualis B2.

48.  [2008] Krause, D. A negao clssica,  O Que Nos Faz Pensar 23 (Junho 2007), 31-39.  (PDF) Qualis B1.

49.  [2008] Domenech, G., Holik, F. and Krause, D., Q-spaces and the foundations of quantum mechanics, Foundations of Physics 38 (11) Nov. 2008, 969-994. DOI: 10.1007/s10701-008-9246-9 (look here) Qualis A2.

50.  [2008] Krause, D. e Becker, J., "Identidade, Individualidade e Quase-Conjuntos", Revista Eletrnica Informao e Cognio (ISSN 1807-8281) vol 2, 2008, 25-39.  (search here)

51.  [2008] Krause, D., "Nota sobre o comprometimento ontolgico com no-indivduos", in R. A. Martins; C. S. Silva; J. M. H. Ferreira; L. A. P. Martins (eds.), Filosofia e Histria da Cincia do Cone Sul - Seleo de Trabalhos do 5 Encontro (ISBN 978-1-4357-15), Campinas, AFHIC (Associao de Filosofia e Histria da Cincia do Cone Sul), 2008, 125-132. (look here)

52.  [2008] Krause, D. and Bueno, O., "Scientific theories, models, and the semantic approach", Principia 11 (2), 2007, 187-201. (look here) Qualis B1.

53.  [2008] Braida, C. R. e Krause, D., Ontologia II, Florianpolis, UFSC/EAD, 2008. ISBN 978-85-61484-06-4, 291pp.

54.  [2008] da Costa, N. C. A. and Krause, D., Physics and Non-Classical Logic, in C. Dgremont, L. Keiff and H. Rckert (eds.), Dialogues, Logics, and Other Strange Things: Essays in Honour of Shahid Rahman, College Pu., 2008, 105-122. ISBN-10: 1904987130, ISBN-13: 978-1904987130.

55.  [2008] (Abstract) Krause, D. and Bueno, O., Paraconsistent Quasi-Set Theory, IV World Congress on Paraconsistency (July 13-18, Melbourne, Australia (download as a PDF file)


56.  [2007] da Costa, N. C. A. and Krause, D., "Logical and Philosophical Remarks on Quasi-Set Theory", Logic Journal of the IGPL, v. 15, p. 1-20, 2007. (look here)

57.  [2007] da Costa, N. C. A., Krause, D. and Bueno, O., "Paraconsistent logics and paraconsistency", in D. Jacquette, editor of the volume on Philosophy of Logic; D.M.Gabbay, P.Thagard and J.Woods (eds.), Philosophy of Logic,  Elsevier, 2006, in the series Handbook of the Philosophy of Science,  v. 5, p. 655-781.

58.  [2007] Krause, D. and French, S., ''Quantum sortal predicates", Synthese 2007 154 (3), 417-30. (look here)

59.  [2007] Krause, D. e Becker, J., "Hume, Schrdinger e a individuao de objetos fsicos" (com Jonas Becker), Revista Eletrnica Informao e Cognio 5 (2), 2006, 59-71 (published in 2007) .  (search here)

60.  [2007]  Krause, D., `Essay Review: "Doubt truth to be a liar" (by G. Priest - Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2006, xii + 226 pp., ISBN 978 0 19 926328 8), International Studies for the Philosophy of Science Volume 21, Issue 3 October 2007 , pages 345 - 357 , DOI: 10.1080/02698590701589619.

61.  [2007] Magalhes, J. C. M. e Krause, D., "Teorias e modelos em gentica de populaes: um exemplo de aplicao do mtodo axiomtico em biologia", Episteme (Porto Alegre) 11 (24), 2006, 269-291 (publicado em 27.09.2007).

62.  [2007]  (Preface) Carnielli, W. A. and Krause, D.,  "Preface",  as the Editors of the Special Issue of Logic Journal of IGPL (dedicated to the papers presented to the XIV Brazilian Conference on Mathematical Logic - Itatiaia, Rio de Janeiro, April 206).

63.  [2007]  (Preface) Bziau, J. –Y. and Krause, "Preface", as the Editors of "New Trends in the Foundations of Science", special issue of Synthese Vol.154 (3), Feb 2007, 345-347, with papers dedicated to the 80th birthday of Patrick Suppes presented in Florianpolis, Brazil, April 22–23, 2002. (Printed Version).

64.  [2007] (Review) Krause, D., `Essay Review: Enciclopdia de Termos Lgico-Filosficos, direco de Joo Branquinho, Desidrio Murcho e Nelson Gonalves Gomes, So Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2006, 803 pp.,em Crtica  18 Fev. 2007.


65.  [2006] French, S. And Krause, D., Identity in Physics: A Historical, Philosophical, and Formal Analysis, Oxford: Oxford Un. Press, 2006.

1.     [Review by James Ladyman], [Review by Justin Pniower], [Review by Kent Staley], [Review by Michela Massimi], [Review by Katherine Hawley]

66.  [2006] da Costa, N. C. A. and Krause, D.  "The logic of complementarity", in J. van Benthem, G. Heinzmann, M. Rebushi and H. Visser (eds.), The Age of Alternative Logics: Assessing Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics Today, Springer 2006, 103-120. (PDF)

67.  [2006] Krause, D., "Einstein y la indiscernibilidad", Praxis Filosfica (Nueva Serie) 22, 2006, 113-130. (revista) (pdf).


68.  [2005] da Costa, N. C. A. and Krause, D., in Pietrocola, M. e Olival Freire, Jr., Filosofia, Cincia e Histria: Michel Paty e o Brasil, uma homenagem aos 40 anos de colaborao, FAPESP e Discurso Editorial, So Paulo, 2005, 337-362.

69.  [2005] Krause, D., "Una ojeada en las bases ontolgicas de la fisica cuntica", Praxis Filosfica 21, Julio-Diciembre 2005, 5-20.

70.  [2005] Krause, D., SantAnna, A. S. and Sartorelli, A.,  "On the concept of identity in Zermelo-Fraenkel-like axioms and its relationships with quantum statistics,   Logique et Analyse Vol.48 No. 189-192, 2005. [Per] http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0106098

71.  [2005] Krause, D., "Separable non individuals", Representaciones Vol.1, No.1, Nov.2005, 21-36.

72.  [2005] Krause, D. and Coelho, A. M. N., "Identity, Indiscernibility, and Philosophical Claims", Axiomathes 15 (2), June 2005, 191-210.

73.  [2005] da Costa, N. C. A. and Krause, D.,  'On a framework for physical theories, Essay Review do livro de  E.  Scheibe, Between Rationalism and Empiricism: Selected Papers in the Philosophy of Physics, Ed. by B. Falkenburg, Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 2001, viii + 627pp, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics  36 (1), 2005, pp. 210-217.

74.  [2005] Krause, D.,  'Structures and structural realism', Logic Journal of IGPL 13 (1), 2005, pp. 113-126.

75.  [2005] 'Observaes sobre a neutralidade ontolgica da matemtica' (com G. Gelowate e A. M. N. Coelho), Episteme 17 (Jul./Dez.) 2003, pp. 145-157. (Junho 2005).

76.  [2005] (Preface) "Apresentao" do livro Lgica e Direito: Linguagem Jurdica sob Diferentes Paradigmas Lgicos, de Claudia Maria Barbosa, Curitiba: Juru Editora, 2005, pp.4-6.


77.  [2004]  'Complementarity and paraconsistency', com N. C. A. da Costa, em S. Rahman, J. Symons, D.M. Gabbay and J. -P. van Bendegem (eds), Logic, epistemology, and the unity of science, Springer-Verlag, 2004, pp. 557-568 (ver)  

78.  [2004]  'Lgica paraconsistente', Scientific American Brasil, Novembro 2004.

79.  [2004] 'Notas sobre a neutralidade ontolgica da matemtica', com G. Gelowate e A.M.N.Coelho, em H. A. Feitosa e F.T. Sautter (orgs.), Lgica e Filosofia da Lgica, Vol. 40, Col. CLE, Unicamp, 2004, pp. 173-182.

80.  [2004] 'A metafsica dos quanta: questes lgicas', em H. A. Feitosa e F.T. Sautter (orgs.), Lgica e Filosofia da Lgica, Vol. 39, Col. CLE, Unicamp, 2004, pp. 139-161.

81.  [2004]   'Complementaritate şi paraconsistenţă', traduo para o romeno de 'Complementarity and paraconsistency' (com N. C. A. da Costa), in Lucica, I., Gheorghiu, D., Chirila, R., (eds.), Ex falso quodlibet: studi de logica paraconsistenta, Bucareste, Editura Tehnica, 2004, pp. 449-462.

82.  [2004] 'Observaţii asupra aplicaţiilor logicii paraconsistente n fizică', traduo para o romeno de 'Remarks on the applications of paraconsistent logic to physics' (com N. C. A. da Costa)(texto), in Lucica, I., Gheorghiu, D., Chirila, R., (eds.), Ex falso quodlibet: studi de logica paraconsistenta, Bucareste, Editura Tehnica, 2004, pp. 463-481.


83.  [2003] 'Quantum Vagueness' (with S. French), Erkenntnis 59 (1), 2003, pp. 97-124. (look here)

84.  [2003] 'Newton da Costa, pensador da contradio' (with A. S. Sant'Anna and F. A. Doria), Scientific American Brasil , Junho 2003, pp. 22-24. (look here)

85.  [2003] 'The mathematics of non-individuality', Coleo Documentos, Srie Lgica e Teoria da Cincia, Instituto de Estudos Avanados da Universidade de So Paulo, nmero 46, Maro 2003. (Texto 418KB)

86.  [2003] 'Why quasi-sets?', Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemtica 20 n. 1/2, 2002, pp. 73-92 (Julho 2003). (look here)

87.  [2003]  'Observaes sobre a neutralidade ontolgica da matemtica', (with Geraldo Gelowate and Antonio M. N. Coelho) Caderno de Resumos do Third Principia International Symposium, realizado em Florianpolis, de 8 a 11 de Setembro de 2003, p. 31.


88.  [2003] 'Identidade em estruturas: uma aplicao ao problema da  indistinguibilidade de partculas', com A. M. N. Coelho, no Caderno de Resumos do Third Principia International Symposium, realizado em Florianpolis, de 8 a 11 de Setembro de 2003,  pp.40-42.

89.  [2002] Introduo aos Fundamentos Axiomticos da Cincia, S. Paulo, EPU, 2002, pp. xii + 211 (ISBN 85-12-79110)

90.  [2002] `An inductive annotated logic" (with N. C. A. da Costa), in W. Carnielli, M. Cogniglio and I. M. L. D'Ottaviano (eds.), Paraconsistency: the logical way to the inconsistent, Proceedings do II World Congress on Paraconsistency, Juquehy, SP, May 2000 (Marcel Dekker, New York, 2002, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, n. 228), pp. 213-225. (ISBN 0824708059) (Texto).

91.  [2002] (Abstract) `A solution to Manin's Problem', Abstracts of the American Mathematical Society 23 No. 2 (128), p. 397. (ISSN 0192-5857)

92.  [2002] `Lgica sortal e fsica quntica', in Cupani, A. O. e Mortari, C. A. (orgs), Linguagem e Filosofia. Anais do Segundo Simpsio Internacional Principia, NEL/UFSC, Florianpolis 2002(Col. Rumos da Epistemologia, Vol. 6), pp. 23-42. (ISBN 85-87253-07-7)


93.  [2001] "Suppes predicate for genetics and natural selection" (with J. C. M. Magalhes), Journal of Theoretical Biology 209 (2) 2001, pp. 141-153. (ver)

94.  [2001]  "Bibel's Matrix Connection Method in Paraconsistent Logic: General Ideas and Implementation", (with E. F. Nobre and M. A. Musicante), Proceedings of the XXI Internacional Conference Chilean Computer Society, Punta Arenas, Chile, 5-9 Nov. 2001 (IEEE Computer Society Press). Texto, Implementao  (Veja aqui o artigo na IEEE)

95.  [2001] "Axiomatizao da gentica e o conceito de gene" (with J. C. M. Magalhes), em J. L. Goldfarb e M. H. M. Ferraz (orgs.), Anais do VII Seminrio Nacional de Histria da Cincia e da Tecnologia e VII Reunio da Rede de Intercmbio para a Histria e Epistemologia das Cincias Qumicas e Biolgicas, S. Paulo, Imprensa Oficial, EdUSP, EdUNESP e SBHC, 2000 (publicado em 2001), pp. 451-454.


96.  [2000] Remarks on quantum ontology", Synthese 125 (1/2), 2000, 155-167.

97.  [2000] (Editor, with S. French e F. A. Doria), Synthese 125 (1 e 2), Volume especial em homenagem aos 70 anos do Prof. Newton C. A. da Costa.

98.  [2000] "Newton da Costa: homenagem aos seus 70 anos", Rev. Bras. Fil. 50 (198), 2000, 268-280.

99.  [2000] "Alguns aspectos lgicos e epistemolgicos relacionados aos fundamentos da mecnica quntica", Cadernos de Histria e Filosofia da Cincia, 9, n.1-2, srie 3, pp. 147-200, 1999 (publicado em Dezembro de 2000).

100.               [2000] (Editor) Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemtica, Volume 18, nmeros 1/2, (1998), publicado pela Editora da UFPR em Julho de 2000.


101.               [1999] "Set theoretical models for quantum systems" (com N. C. A. da Costa), in Dalla Chiara, M. L., Giuntini, R. and Laudisa, F. (eds.), Language, quantum, music, Kluwer Ac. Pu., 1999, 171-181.

102.                [1999]  "The logic of quanta" (com Steven French), in T. Y. Cao (ed), Conceptual foundations of quantum field theory, Cambridge University Press, 1999, 324-342.

103.                [1999] "Quasi set theory for bosons and fermions" (com A. S. Sant'Anna and A. G. Volkov), Foundations of Physics Letters 12 (1), 1999, 67-79.  http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/9803076

104.               [1999] "Opaque predicates, veiled sets and their logic" (com Steven French), in W. Carnielli and I. M. L. D'Ottavianno (eds), Advances in contemporary logic and computer science, American Mathematical Society (Contemporary Mathematics 235), 1999, 263-274.  arXiv:quant-ph/9810090v1


105.                [1998] "Quasi set theories for microobjects: a comparision" (com M. L. Dalla Chiara and R. Giuntini), in E. Castellani (ed), Interpreting bodies: classical and quantum objects in modern physics, Princeton University Press, 1998, 142-152. (Resenha)

106.                [1998]  "O Princpio da Complementaridade e a lgica paraconsistente", in Sociedade Brasileira de Filosofia, A filosofia, hoje, Vol. II. S. Paulo, Instituto Brasileiro de Filosofia, 1998, 1025-1036.

107.                [1998]  (Editor) Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemtica, Volume 17, nmeros 1/2, (1997), publicado pela Editora da UFPR em 1998.


108.               [1997] "An intensional Schrdinger logic" (com N. C. A. da Costa), Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 38 (2), 1997, 179-194.

109.               [1997]  "Relativizations of the Principle of Identity" (com J, -Y. Bziau), Journal of the Interested Group in Pure and Applied Logic 5 (3), 1997, 327-338. (look here)

110.               [1997]   "Hidden variables and indistinguishable particles" (com A. S. Sant'Anna), Foundations of Physics Letters 10, 1997, 409-426. http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/9607015

111.               [1997]  "Estruturas em cincia" (com J. -Y. Bziau and O. Bueno), Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemtica 17 (1/2), 1997, 91-111.

112.               [1997] (Editor) Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemtica, Volume 16, nmeros 1/2, (1996), publicado pela Editora da UFPR em 1997. 


113.               [1996] "Axioms for collections of indistinguishable objects", Logique et Analyse 153-154, 1996, 69-93.

114.               [1996]  "Remarks on individuation, quantum objects and logic", Logique et Analyse 155-156, 1996, 325-33.

115.               [1996]   "Matrix proof method in annotated paraconsistent logic" (com C. A. A. Kaestner), Anais del Primer Congresso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computacon, Un. Nacional del Sur, de Bahia Blanca, Argentina (5-7 Oct. 1995), Un. Nac. del Sur, 1996, 416-25.

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